Tip 1: Change to a high-fibre diet!
A healthy diet with a lot of fibre is the best fitness regime for your bowel. Good sources of fibre are:
Tip 2: Drink large amounts, at least 2 litres a day!
What sounds like a lot is put into perspective when it is spread out over the entire day. For example, one half of your daily requirement with meals and the other half in between. Well suited are mineral water, vegetable juices, buttermilk and unsweetened fruit and herbal teas.
Tip 3: Be physically active, if possible every day!
There are many ways of putting movement into your day: by riding a bike instead of driving, getting off the bus one stop earlier and walking, using the stairs instead of the lift, doing 10 minutes of morning exercise, and much more.
Tip 4: Take time out and relax!
Your bowel movement should not be suppressed. It is recommended that you regularly go to the toilet at the same time of day. That way your bowel becomes used to a certain daily rhythm.
Chronic symptoms can also be the result of an underlying disease, long-term administration of medication, or pregnancy. That is why changing your lifestyle alone often isn’t enough in cases like these. Whenever you have stubborn, long-lasting constipation, you should see a doctor. Only your doctor can decide what measures are helpful. And laxatives should not be used for extended periods of time without consulting with your doctor.
Acute constipation can in rare cases also have a serious cause, for instance an intestinal obstruction. So if you have the following indications, you should see a doctor:
Regulax® offers swift, reliable help with constipation and illnesses that require relief with bowel movement.
Regulax® Picosulphate Laxative Cubes / Regulax® Picosulphate Drops. Available only in pharmacies. Active substance: Sodium picosulphate. Indication: Constipation and diseases which require easier passage of stools. Note: Regulax Picosulphate Laxative Cubes contain sucrose. Regulax Picosulphate Drops contain sorbitol: 1 ml equates to 0.03 carbohydrate exchange. Updated: 08/13-1.
Regulax® Picosulphate Laxative Cubes / Regulax® Picosulphate Drops. Available only in pharmacies. Active substance: Sodium picosulphate. Indication: Constipation and diseases which require easier passage of stools. Note: Regulax Picosulphate Laxative Cubes contain sucrose. Regulax Picosulphate Drops contain sorbitol: 1 ml equates to 0.03 carbohydrate exchange. Updated: 08/13-1.